Monday, April 8, 2013

Chili Most Stop the Violence Movement

Rico Sweatt also known as “Chili Most” and his brother William Sweatt known as “Z Most” have created a masterpiece of socially conscious music of love on C.D. Chili Most and Z Most know that their vision is to change the mindset of society and create peace; making our world a better place.                                                                                                      
CHILI MOST has captured the true essence of what it means to stop the violence and love with love in his song, “Stop the Violence”. “Stop the Violence” speaks to the issues of governmental wars, gang and drug wars, domestic violence and illegal guns. Just like the first single release “Fight for Your Rights” while it speaks about fighting, it also really means standing up for your rights in a non-violent way.  CHILI MOST gives credit in both songs to the message of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who died for people’s rights but stood for non-violence.
Chili Most (left), Z Most (right)

Growing up in Terre Haute, Indiana during the Civil Rights Movement and with a social conscioussness Chili and Z Most learned that one man could make a difference. It’s the artist in them that mirrors the society that we live in. The name of their C.D. “N Love With Love” is about healing hearts, healing souls, healing relationships and ultimately healing humanity.

Chili and Z Most believe this is an assignment from God, and a mission of obedience. The strategic plan with their International Stop The Violence Campaign is to raise the awareness of consciousness to this pandemic of senseless killing that is going on with our young men and women in this country and inspire them to reach their full potential. Their goal is to cut the killing by fifty percent in this country and worldwide by ten percent. On 4-07-2013 they’ve put out a call to action from Ministers worldwide to preach the sermon “Stop The Violence”/”N’ Love With Love” relating stories from the Bible to transform the lives of millions because God is Love.

After over 300 radio interviews and more than two-hundred million listeners they have so far gained the support of the National People’s Movement, People’s Movement For Change, Mothers in Charge, N.A.A.C.P., National Action Network, Justice Seekers of Texas, Power, Nashville Peacemakers, Concerned Citizens Against Violence etc. They believe the real enemy we face today is the lack of jobs, education, and poverty. Through music, Chili and Z Most will bring love back because God is love.  N’ Love With Love is the soundtrack of today and it will change the frequency of violence and crime in the hearts and minds of people and replace it with love. Their intent is to change the mindset of the young men and women who are in the streets killing one another, but more importantly they want to change the mindset of the adults then ultimately change the mindset of humanity. You can reach Chili Most at Chili Most Music.

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